Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I am on a challenge, a challenge that I put before myself, this challenge is to try new food and different cuisines. Why am I doing this, you might ask. It is for a class, one of four classes that are my last classes ever as a college student.  This class is Introduction to Food Writing. I'm kind of excited about this class and to see how my writing changes and how it will progress.
For my homework, which is this blog and writing about food, I will be reviewing restaurants and having a good time eating food. I have my first restaurant picked out, it is actually a restaurant that I have reviewed before for a different class and did not have a good experience that particular time, I'm hoping it will be better this time. We have actually gone to this restaurant quite a few times, and the adventure that is happening this time is that I'm going to try something that I have not tried before. Not that big of an adventure, I know, but it is a first step and we all have to start somewhere.
I hope to see you in the future and that you can give me suggestions as to what to try next.

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